
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Creed of the UsuryFree Buyer/Seller

By Tommy UsuryFree Kennedy
1. I resolve to never buy/sell shop in stores owned by Usury Elites' Group of Companies.
2. I resolve to buy/sell at community businesses and/or as home-based enterprises.
3. I resolve to buy/sell locally produced merchandise when possible.
4. I resolve to buy/sell directly from/to free enterprisers. I resolve to eat in local community restaurants or people's homes in exchange for partial 'usuryfree' time currency and partial cash.

5. I resolve to buy/sell accommodations with others on the LETS databases when I am travelling and I pay for such this service with 'usuryfree' time currency.
6. I resolve to ask for the price of any merchandise only after I have chosen it. When I know the cost I decide whether or not I want to pay that price.
7. I resolve to pay a fair price always.
8. I resolve to pay with Game Units, 'usuryfree' time currency or 'usury-bearing' cash. Invoices or sale slips are optional.
9. I do NOT expect the free enterpriser to collect either PST or GST, whomever chooses to pay PST or GST will pay it directly to the appropriate level of government.

10. I understand that business generates wealth by serving people's true needs.

11. I resolve to co-operate and share and I resolve that I will never exploit others.
12. I resolve to buy/sell quality products and/or services with the intent of generating abundance for all

13. I understand that the means has priority over the ends.

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