
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Escaping The Myth - Selling An Unknown

By Larken Rose
I confess, I'm frustrated. If you value anything I do, please read this message.

Imagine if you were a salesman, and you had a product that you knew would be really beneficial (to a life-changing degree, in fact) to anyone who bought it, but you couldn't tell people what it was before they paid for it. Wouldn't that be annoying?

Last time I checked, "The Most Dangerous Superstition" had sixteen reviews on, and all sixteen gave it five stars out of five. Two recurring themes among the comments have been: 1) pro-freedom folk saying they didn't expect to learn anything new from the book, but were pleasantly surprised, and; 2) people saying
that, having read it, they think it's one of the most important books there is. Believe it or not, my purpose here isn't bragging, and the point of this message isn't even about my book. It's about the challenge of making something worthwhile, but having no way to show people how much it would be worth to them until AFTER they buy it--a salesman's worst nightmare (and I'm not even a good salesman to begin with).

Well, that challenge is even more obvious with the "Escaping the Myth" event I'm doing--the first one up in Michigan later this month, and then hopefully similar events in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Florida within the next two months. As much as a lot of people have raved about "The Most Dangerous Superstition," I think this event will blow it out of the water, when it comes to changing people's paradigms effectively, quickly, and relatively painlessly. Basically, I think it will do what 99% of freedom advocates have decided can't be done: getting through to "normal" people without making them plug their ears, run away, or have tantrums.

However, the event is a lot harder to sell than the book, because: 1) no one has gone through it before, so there is no "word of mouth" about it yet; 2) it takes a bigger investment of time and money than buying and reading a relatively short book; 3) it's even harder to convey what the event does, and what people will get out of it, than saying "just read this book."

The first "Escaping the Myth" event is two and a half weeks away, and so far there are only about a dozen people who have paid or firmly committed to be there. Now, as many of you know, I don't mind talking to even just one person, but because of the interactive nature of this event, having less than twenty people participating might make it less effective. (I'd still do it anyway.) What's frustrating is that I know that there are literally millions of people who, if they attended the event, would be very glad they did, but I have no way to prove that to anyone ahead of time, especially because no one has done it before.

Anyway, the best I can do is tell people that if they attend, and the event doesn't change their view of reality, I will give them their money back. (Those on my list may recall that I did that with TMDS when it came out, with overwhelmingly positive results.) But who I really want at the event are all the "normal" people (not us weird folk who obsess about philosophy) who think that their view of reality is already just fine, and their assumptions, beliefs and actions are perfectly good and proper. In other words, the people I MOST want to be there are the LEAST likely to think they need what the event can give them.

So this is my final plea to this e-mail list before the first "Escaping the Myth" happens, to do whatever you can to nudge a "normal" person or two into being at the Michigan event. If they learn nothing, they pay nothing. And, of course, it's even better if you can come too, and keep your "normal" friend or family member company. If you're a paid subscriber to the "Iron Web" thing, you actually get in free if you get someone else to sign up. But now I'll also add this: if you're on my e-mail list, and you get someone else to sign up, you can get in yourself for $40. (This deal applies only to the event in Troy, Michigan, on July 21 and 22.)

So, that about wraps up this pathetic beg-a-thon. I am confident that those who attend "Escaping the Myth" will be very glad they did. And the other six or seven billion people won't know what they missed. For more info, or to purchase tickets, go to:

I also made a short YouTube thing about it, if you want to forward it to any Michigan-area folks you know:
Escaping The Myth:

Larken Rose

1. Larken Rose's website:
2. Larken Rose at Facebook:

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