
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Me and Lee - A Book Review

By Tom J. Kennedy
Judyth Vary Baker authored “Me and Lee: How I Came To Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald” in 2010, 47 years after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The book is published by Trine Day.
The day after Lee Harvey Oswald was shot on live television, Judyth Vary Baker received a telephone call from David Ferrie with these alarming words: “If you want to stay alive, it’s time to go into the catacombs. Promise me you will keep your mouth shut.” For a very long time Judyth Vary Baker remained silent. Since the book has been published, she has been forced to live in exile.
Though I purchased the book at in Toronto, at Conspiracy Culture during the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week in November of 2011, I had not taken the time to read it until just recently.
I read the entire book (672 pages) on the July 1st weekend on 2012. I always doubted the mainstream story about the events of November 22, 1963 and now after reviewing the evidence in this book, I am absolutely convinced that indeed, Lee Harvey Oswald was the “patsy” and not the assassin of President John F. Kennedy. This is one of the best books ever written about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It brings out the character and personality of both Judyth Vary Baker and Lee Harvey Oswald.
We learn lots about their love relationship from April 1963 until November 20, 1963 - just two days before the tragic events that happened in Dallas, Texas when they had their last telephone conversation. Judyth Vary Baker writes about that the exact words of that conversation. She asks Lee: “Is there any way you could get out of this? Something you haven’t thought of?” Lee answers: “They’d just get another gun to take my place. If I stay, that will be one less bullet aimed at Kennedy.” (page 522)

For me this statement reveals that Lee Harvey Oswald did not intend to aim at the President. Judith also revealed that Lee even contemplated firing a warning shot BUT he knew that the guns of the President’s Secret Service Team would be turned on him if he did that.

Judyth Vary Baker uses an abundance of sources and footnotes to verify and support the information that she shares in the book. Judyth Vary Baker presents and incredible inside story of her experience as a young science student who dreamed of playing a role to find a cure for cancer and how she shifted her focus from studying at the University of Florida to becoming involved with the development of a biological weapon in New Orleans. As an enthusiastic, cancer research assistant she got swept up in a clandestine, CIA plot to create a biological weapon that was intended to assassinate Fidel Castro. While working on the bio-weapon, Judith Vary Baker was under the direction of Alton Ochsner, M.D., Dr Mary Sherman and David Ferrie.
The first five chapters offer plenty of background information about her early years. We learn that Judyth’s family life was dis-functional in many ways. As well in these beginning chapters we learn much about Judyth Vary Baker’s knowledge and expertise regarding cancer research. In chapter 6, Judyth Vary Baker meets Lee Harvey Oswald as he was standing in line behind her at a post office in New Orleans, on April 26, 1963. 

In the book she explains that Lee Harvey Oswald who was discharged from the Marine Corps, worked for the FBI while infiltrating the local Mafia crime syndicate in New Orleans. As it turns out the various agencies that Lee Harvey Oswald was working for would eventually frame him for the murder of President John F. Kennedy.
All the time while in New Orleans Lee Harvey Oswald was infiltrating the pro-Castro meetings while pretending to be sympathetic to Communism. Lee Harvey Oswald was to deliver the bio-weapon to Cuba by way of Mexico, but something went wrong and the mission was aborted. The excuse was there was a hurricane, but Lee did not believe that was the real reason the mission was not completed. Lee explained to Judyth that he felt betrayed and that he would be falsely labelled a pro-Castro fanatic.

“The mission to kill Castro has failed, and his attention was now focused on what would happen to John F. Kennedy.” (page 502) 
Judyth explains that back in Dallas, in early October 1963, Lee was assigned to spy on a band of right-wing nuts interested in killing Kennedy. Then on October 19th, Judyth learned: “that upon his return to Dallas, Lee had been invited to be an actual participant in the assassination plans against JFK.” (page 505)
Lee Harvey Oswald maintains he thwarted a plan to assassinate the President in Chicago earlier in November - temporarily saving the President’s life.
In the book, Lee Harvey Oswald is portrayed as intelligent and romantic, while being a loyal friend to Judyth, a dedicated patriot for his country. As a CIA asset he was willing to risk and indeed give his life to protect the President and ultimately his country. The irony is that Lee Harvey Oswald accepted the mission to kill Castro with a biological weapon to give the perception of appeasement to the powerful forces that wanted to assassinate President Kennedy.
I highly recommend this book for your library and as a gift for friends. Also request that your local Public Library order a couple of copies for distribution. For even more relevant background information and scientific data, read Edward T. Hasslam’s book titled: “Dr. Mary’s Monkey.”

Judith Vary Baker at Conspiracy Culture (September 2011)!

Me and Lee/Judyth Vary Baker:

Learn more about Judyth Vary Baker:

All of the graphics from the book “Me and Lee.”
Vindication For Judyth Vary Baker:
The Real Lee Harvey Oswald: 
NOTE: (the comments after the article are also worthy of reading)

Another Book Review:
Attempted Murder of “Lee and Me Author in Toronto:
Why It’s Important To Release the JFK Assassination Records Now:
Justice For Kennedy:

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