Seeking two usuryfree creatives

Greetings and welcome to the UsuryFree Eye Opener. I am seeking two usuryfree creatives who are ready and willing to enrol with me in a new and unique SDI opportunity. (Details below)
The UsuryFree Eye Opener focuses on the problems associated with our orthodox, economic system of usury-based, debt money and offers solution-oriented ideas for usuryfree living. We refer to the leaders in this self-imposed, re-educational mission as usuryfree creatives.
Whether you are becoming a usuryfree creative or you are already a committed usuryfree creative, you are invited to give careful consideration to the content of this message.
If you have been frequenting my twin blog - The SDI (Self Directed Income) Eye Opener you will probably be aware of the power and potential of having an SDI (Self Directed Income) Portfolio. If you as a usuryfree creative have not yet visited The SDI Eye Opener, this is your invitation to do so.
The SDI Eye Opener is being read by growing numbers of SDI entrepreneurs who are seeking to be better informed about the SDI industry. Most of the articles are “generic” in nature, though I have posted information about a small selection of worthy SDI opportunities that are offering unique and quality products in the health and wellness industry.
I am pleased to report that more and more usuryfree creatives are enrolling in the SDI industry to earn solid sources of secondary income(s). Usuryfree creatives are encouraged to direct a portion of their SDI earnings to help fund the growth of the usuryfree community currency movement.
Since usuryfree creatives are open to “diverse interests,” permit me to introduce readers to Gemfortunes - one of the newest SDI opportunities. Gemfortunes has some amazing and unique characteristics that are appreciated by active SDI entrepreneurs.
For example, enrolling two SDI entrepreneurs as Gemfortunes Distributors qualifies you to participate and generate earnings in the GemFortunes compensation plan. Additionally, you are assigned a FREE replicating website and a lifetime membership when you pay the one time cost of $300. (plus fees when applicable)
Our slogan is “One team, one goal.” Our intention is to work closeply with our team of SDI entrepreneurs who are building their respective SDI Portfolios, so everyone on the team cycles through the matrices at the Gemfortunes Business Centre.
Based in Switzerland. Launched in late July 2011 by Jeff Carey and his team. As of today, August 18, 2011, 450+ gemstones have been shipped all over the world. Total members as of August 18, 2011 are 1050 from 25 different countries. This is remarkable progress after only three weeks.
Gemfortunes uses Alert Pay or Liberty Reserve for purchases. With the one-time $300 entry (plus fees) active SDI entrepreneurs are cycling quickly through the $600 payouts and the $12,000. payouts.
My personal replicating website for Gemfortunes:
Gemfortunes FAQ:
I am networking the Gemfortunes SDI opportunity with Daniel Butts from British Columbia. Daniel’s favourite saying is: “The concept that we follow is what we can’t do alone, we can do together.”
Daniel Butts’ website:
Should you be interested in adding Gemfortunes to your Portfolio, simply click the “join Now” icon at my replicating website:
Enjoy this day!
Tom J. Kennedy
PS: Please forward an email to: with “Gemfortunes” in the Subject line, after you have enrolled with Gemfortunes. When my two enrollees are entered into the matrix, any additional SDI entrepreneurs will be placed at the next open space - from left to right.
Let’s build this unique SDI opportunity together and earn sufficient income(s) to help advance the usuryfree community currency movement as we progress into this 21st Century.
“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.” - African Proverb
Great! Tom!
Your SDI Associate...
Just want to let everyone know that Tom Kennedy and are believe in multiple streams of income and have decided to join leaders from all over the world to build to similar structures back to BACK! and we will helping qualify our TEAM/Group members... so please know everything in the world is a System...bottom line! 1st and second... ... both are unique! and great income potential!!!! feel free to call me... 613-709-3559 and will help you...Regards Rich....
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