The Launch of the 8th Annual UsuryFree Week
By Tom J. Kennedy
All of you who visit here and read this are invited to spread this information about the 8th Annual UsuryFree Day/Week throughout the world by 'word of mouth' and 'word of mouse.'
Founded on May 13th, 2001, The UsuryFree Network designated November 13th, 2005 as the first annual UsuryFree Day to promote awareness about the design flaw of 'usury' and how 'usury' is directly and/or indirectly related to violence, war, poverty, scarcity and lack.
In addition, and perhaps more importantly, the aim of UsuryFree Day is to promote the community currency movement as the optimal method of trading products and/or services locally, nationally and internationally.
It is resolved that in the not-too-distant future, everyday must become a UsuryFree Day so that everyone can experience the reality of usuryfree living. UsuryFree Day and Week remind us that we can replace usury with a simple service charge and thereby create peace, abundance and prosperity for all. Additionally, it is resolved that the concept of dividend earnings in co-operation with entrepreneurs be advocated as an alternative to those investors who are currently relying on usury earnings on bank deposits.
Wherever you live, you are invited to make tentative plans now to celebrate The Eighth Annual UsuryFree Day and Week in your community. As you finalize these plans, please share details with your contacts and forward a copy of your plans to: with '8th Annual UsuryFree Week' in the subject line, for further networking to usuryfree creatives everywhere.
For background details, visit this website:
Guest Speakers:
In summary, David-Kevin: Lindsay has been a pioneering mentor for usuryfree creatives from coast to coast in Canada. His research has helped people understand just how the design flaw of usury is the evil function on our orthodox money system. David will be addressing the current economic crisis and the various implications of Usury/Interest when he speaks on November 13th, to launch this Eighth Annual UsuryFree Week. David will have approximately one hour for his presentation and this allocation of time includes questions and answers.
Rocco Galati has been leading the legal action citing the federal government’s actions against the interests of the people of Canada. This action was originally filed on behalf of William Krehm, Ann Emmett and COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform).
It is noteworthy that the mainstream media has avoided giving fair coverage to this Economic Reform Lawsuit. We Are Change Toronto has some background information at this website.
There is a Motion to Strike the Statement of Claim by COMER is on November 13, 2012 at 9:30 AM at the Federal Court at 180 Queen Street West in Toronto, Ontario. Rocco Galati will bring the latest news about this lawsuit and the happenings of that timely, UsuryFree Day event. If possible do plan to attend the 9:30 AM event at the Federal Court in the morning of November 13th.
What's the Cost of Admission?
Attendees are invited to pay-what-they-think-it's-worth to be present and learn from those who are making the presentations. Cash, cheques, money orders and any usuryfree community currency is gracefully accepted.
The expenses to be covered are:
a) gifts or donations for the guest speakers to help cover their travel expenses and time invested for any preparation, and the presentation itself
b) advertising and promotional materials
Obviously, the advertising costs and the travel costs of the speaker will require federal cash. Attendees are encouraged to be generous with 'gifts' or 'donations' so that this workshop model can be copied or duplicated in any community in Ontario or elsewhere.
Remember, seats are limited and RSVP's ARE REQUIRED for this Special Workshop in honour of our Eighth Annual UsuryFree Day. Please request your seat for this event by calling Conspiracy Culture Bookstore 416.916.1696
Noteworthy Quotes:
EVENT LOCATION:Conspiracy Culture Bookstore - 1696 Queen Street West (@ Roncesvalles)
Toronto, Ontario. Canada M6R 1B3
The event starts at 6:30PM sharp and ends roughly at 8:30 PM
NOTE: More about the 8th Annual UsuryFree Week at these links:

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