By Tom J Kennedy
Some regular visitors have been wondering why I have not been very active with postings at The UsuryFree Eye Opener or The UsuryFree Network or The SDI Eye Opener for the past 6 months.
The main reason
is that since I was diagnosed with an aggressive skin cancer labelled
"parotid squamous cell carcinoma" I have been researching and pursuing
natural treatments/therapies rather than accepting the "sickness and
disease" solution of "cut, burn, poison" otherwise referred to as
"surgery. radiation, chemotherapy.'
I bless and
accept this unique journey now, though, I was very angry and upset with
the initial diagnosis and the suggested conventional treatments. I did
make the mistake of permitting a surgery. It failed on two counts.
My advice to anyone who thinks they might have a "skin cancer." Do NOT let any doctor cut into the "abnormality" unless s/he can guarantee that s/he is capable of completely removing the "abnormality." Because, it was too risky for the doctor, he had to stop before he removed all of the "abnormality."
After the operation, the abnormality grew quickly to become almost 5 cm in diameter and about 1.5 cm think. A hard lesson learned - for if I know than what I know now, I would never have let the doctor try an operation to remove a skin cancer.
During the surgery, the doctor cut the nerve to my fight eye and now my right eye no longer winks and blinks so I have to add Refresh tear drops on a regular basis. AND the doctor could not cut out the entire mass of cells - so as commonly happens the mass started to grow at a faster rate after the operation.
My advice - do not let any doctor cut into a cancer unless s/he can guarantee that the operation will be successful. If it is not successful, what happened to me will happen to another - the cancer always grows after it has been cut into BUT not completely removed. The critical point is that these doctors know that a "cancer" spreads when it is cut into but not completely removed BUT they neglect to clarify this point before they commence a surgery.
If you think any skin blemish might be a skin cancer, start doing alternative treatments immediately and do NOT let any doctor persuade you to do surgery unless s/he can guarantee that the "abnormality" can be completely removed.
My advice to anyone who thinks they might have a "skin cancer." Do NOT let any doctor cut into the "abnormality" unless s/he can guarantee that s/he is capable of completely removing the "abnormality." Because, it was too risky for the doctor, he had to stop before he removed all of the "abnormality."
After the operation, the abnormality grew quickly to become almost 5 cm in diameter and about 1.5 cm think. A hard lesson learned - for if I know than what I know now, I would never have let the doctor try an operation to remove a skin cancer.
During the surgery, the doctor cut the nerve to my fight eye and now my right eye no longer winks and blinks so I have to add Refresh tear drops on a regular basis. AND the doctor could not cut out the entire mass of cells - so as commonly happens the mass started to grow at a faster rate after the operation.
My advice - do not let any doctor cut into a cancer unless s/he can guarantee that the operation will be successful. If it is not successful, what happened to me will happen to another - the cancer always grows after it has been cut into BUT not completely removed. The critical point is that these doctors know that a "cancer" spreads when it is cut into but not completely removed BUT they neglect to clarify this point before they commence a surgery.
If you think any skin blemish might be a skin cancer, start doing alternative treatments immediately and do NOT let any doctor persuade you to do surgery unless s/he can guarantee that the "abnormality" can be completely removed.
After the
diagnosis, I immediately started my research for alternative
treatments/therapies and I have met many competent, alternative, health
practitioners on this unique journey. At a future date, when the abnormality on the right side of my face is healed, I will share
details about the skills and talents of the alternative health
practitioners who have been facilitating my healing processes as well as
the various resources that I have learned about on this journey.
In the past
couple of weeks, the abnormality on the right side of my face has
changed significantly. It is my prayer, hope and intention that it is
deteriorating and dissolving - with the various, suggested alternative
therapies that I have been following.
a spiritual dimension, and now understanding the importance and
significance of positivism, prayer and intent etc. I am accepting of
this journey and
I am intrigued that my health challenge is the "cancer" of "health and
wellness" while "usury" is the cancer of "conventional economics." We
must take action to heal "cancer" and abolish "usury" forever.
A while after the initial diagnosis, I accepted the possibility that the root cause of the cancer was emotional and partly rooted in my anger towards the "usury-based debt money system." - Perhaps I have been too focused on the evils of usury and not enough energy put forth to promote the "usuryfree lifestyle." In any case, the universe forced me to step back for the past six months as I embarked on "My Natural Healing Journey."
this week, an SDI (Self Directed Income) entrepreneur who has been
following my progress and knew of the many expenses that I have been
incurring in pursuit of optimal health and wellness, invited me to
explore "Crowdfunding"
as an option to raise some funds to cover my "health and wellnes" costs
- which are not covered by our "sickness and disease' syatem. In
response, I have enrolled with We$hare and I have posted a series of relevant articles at the SDI Eye Opener
In summary, we have two cancers to eliminate (1) the physical disease labelled "cancer" and (2) the "usury" on our debt-money system.
thoughts, prayers, good wishes, good intentions are graciously welcomed
as well as any alternative treatments/therapies that have helped others
to heal abnormalities in a natural way. (
Tom J. Kennedy aka "Tommy UsuryFree Kennedy"
My Twin blogs:
(a)The UsuryFree Eye Opener:
(b) The SDI (Self Directed Income) Eye Opener:
At Facebook:
(a)Tom J Kennedy (Tommy UsuryFree Kennedy)
(b) The UsuryFree Network:
(c ) UsuryFree Creatives:
(d) The UsuryFree SDI University
At TSU: Tom J Kennedy
(a)The UsuryFree Eye Opener:
(b) The SDI (Self Directed Income) Eye Opener:
At Facebook:
(a)Tom J Kennedy (Tommy UsuryFree Kennedy)
(b) The UsuryFree Network:
(c ) UsuryFree Creatives:
(d) The UsuryFree SDI University
At TSU: Tom J Kennedy

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