Becoming FREE of Usury Terrorists

By Tom J. Kennedy
The voice of usuryfree creatives who reject usury and their (the usurers') New World Order, so far has been sorely missing from the ongoing demonstrations about "Occupy Wall Street." Most people do not realize that the cutbacks and the ever-present shortage of funds can be directly and/or indirectly attributed to the design flaw of usury and its evil and immoral effects on debtors everywhere.
The awakening of the masses may help to shatter the silence about the lies, deceit and deception about modern money creation. Currently, we are hearing from countless middle-class Americans and Canadians like myself and my family.
The awakened ones are rejecting the erosion of freedom and the intrusion of the police state. They are sick and tired of being over-taxed while the exacting of usury and payments of rising taxes diminish their monthly earnings. They are sick and tired of usury and usurious service charges on their debit cards and credit cards - thereby creating record profits for banking corporations.
They are sick and tired of the relentless attempts by Big Brother to shore up their cash by instilling fear in merchants so that they are afraid to accept larger denomination bills ($50. And $100.) as payment for products and/or services. And they are especially sick and tired of politicians at the municipal, provincial and federal levels of government forsaking leadership - and selling out to the hidden agendas of the usury elites.
In summary, they are sick and tired of being financially enslaved, foreclosed upon, bankrupted, unemployed, destitute and dispossessed when their property is being seized. They correctly view their earnings or money as their property as well as their material possessions.
Eleven years into this 21st Century, we the usuryfree creative and the "becoming" usuryfree creative who are awakening are vowing to spend our money differently to achieve a different result. Our plans for a national network of home-based and small to medium-sized, community businesses nudges the door open to initiate "barter and trade" within our own, loyal database whereby each of us will create and spend our own usuryfree time currency.
Indeed, the time may be now, that we-the-people are prepared to break the cycle of oppression now that usuryfree creative have identified "usury" as the killer machine that keeps debtors financially enslaved to creditors for generation after generation. To fully understand the enslaving effect of the design flaw of usury, we must understand a few things. What is usury? What is its function? Who is really in control of the usury machinery? What can we do to effect change NOW?
What is usury? Usury is the correct word to define "interest" on debt - as exacted on the debtor by the creditor. Usury is never created and put into circulation simultaneously when any loan or mortgage is issued. But usury is exacted as a monthly fee, payable to the creditor by the debtor.
The function of usury is to directly legalize plunder by stealing the wealth from we-the-people - the debtors. The global banking cartel (syndicate) is really in control of the usury machinery. The creditors are rich and the debtors are poor BUT we have the potential to change that. We can make change happen by making conscious decisions to spend our money differently. Permit me to clearly explain the problem and then I will focus on the solution.
Contrary to popular belief, money for consumer loans and mortgages is not borrowed from depositors' funds. For every new personal loan, vehicle loan or mortgage (the principal) is created out of nothing by the stroke of a banker's pen because the federal government has given bankers a license to do so.
The rate of usury that is exacted on the loan is never directly created, therefore the usury rate percentage as demanded by the banker is never issued into our orthodox, economic system of debt money. Consequently, there is forever a shortage or money, and the total debt can never be re-paid. Instead, more money is always borrowed into existence and the debt grows exponentially - keeping all debtors (individuals, families, businesses, and governments) in financial bondage to creditors for generation after generation.
It is important to understand that if one (debtor) individual or business is fortunate to be able to earn sufficient money to pay back the "principal" plus the "interest" or "usury" it follows that another debtor will be short of funds and face bankruptcy or foreclosure. This is the reality of the design flaw of usury - the killer machine within our orthodox, economic system of debt money. There is simply not enough money circulating in the monetary system for the sum of all our loans to be paid back, therefore, new loans are always invited and required.
We-the-people - the debtors - are playing in a usurious game of financial chairs whereby we are all scrambling to earn sufficient debt money to pay our "usury" and "taxes" while the system teaches us to try to take advantage of each other to earn that little extra to ensure our financial survival.
We have come to accept that "selfish gratification" at the expense of others is acceptable in this vicious cycle. The shortage of funds that causes debt slavery and permeates every level of society is directly related to the evil function of "usury" - and it is everywhere.
Our current "usury-based" economic system of debt money is immoral and genocidal. it is time to change it NOW by making a conscious choice to spend our money differently - within home-based enterprises and/or with small to medium-sized businesses in our respective, local communities.
We-the-people must create our own loyal databases and encourage astute consumers to purchase our goods and services from within these loyal databases. By committing to do so, we can revive the concept of "bartering and trading" for the mutual benefit of all who choose to participate. After all, why shoild we-the-people keep using their (the bankers') money and keep paying them a fee (usury) when we can now create and spend our own money for FREE?
We can create our own personal, usuryfree time currency. It has been suggested that we value one hour of time for basic, unskilled labour at a value equivalent to $12.00(Canadian Fuunds). By covering our wholesale costs with federal cash and agreeing to accept a portion of our profit margins with a usuryfree time currency - which will be accpeted by others in our inter-connected, loyal networks - we will be empowering ourselves and re-building our respective, local communities.
We-the-people can effect the change we envision NOW by making a conscious decision to spend our money differently in 2011 and beyond. As a consumer, you are invited to make a commitment to spend a minimum $100. on monthly purchases of products from home-based enterprise(s) - either your own or from someone you know who has a home-based enterprise in the SDI (Self Directed Income) industry.
This is money that you are currently spending anyways with the giant, trans-national, retail corporations to support your lifestyle, so you will be simply making an informed choice to spend this amount of money differently. There is no additional expense to simply switch your shopping habits to shop-at-home and there are many benefits available to those who choose to become active in the SDI (Self Directed Income) industry.
Find out more about home-based enterprise(s), in general and about the SDI industry, in particular by sending an email to: with "home-based enterprise(s)" or "SDI industry" in the Subject line.
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