Towards a Peaceful Economy: Solutions for the 99%

Everyone is invited to the fourth annual Towards a Peaceful Economy Forum. This community driven event brings together people and ideas for a day of information and discussion in regards to understanding our current Monetary system and formatting actions towards the development of a Peaceful Monetary System. This event will be held in the council chamber of Kitchener City Hall. Like-minded Community groups that support nonviolent action are welcome to set up table displays. (Must pre book and be pre-approved)
The event is free, but we ask you to pre-register by email or phone
The day includes movies, presentations, working groups, small group discussions and networking. Our Keynote Speaker will be Professor George Crowell.
About George Crowell
George Crowell has a B.A. from Princeton University and a Th.D. from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He taught at Lake Forest College in Illinois, and the College of Wooster in Ohio. In 1968 he moved with his family to Canada to take a position in the Religious Studies Department at the University of Windsor, where he worked in the area of Social Ethics until his retirement in 1996, teaching courses on a wide variety of current social issues, including environmental crises, economic problems, war and violence, and the dynamics of nonviolent action. Only in 1994 did he learn about the incredible power of monetary policy which has enormously damaging impact around the world, but could be transformed to have enormously creative impact. He has been working to raise awareness of our money system ever since, and, as with all the social problems he has dealt with, has striven to dispel misleading propaganda, to reveal hidden realities, and to clarify issues for public understanding and discussion. George has been instrumental in assisting the Federal NDP and Federal Green Party in developing resolutions and policy formats regarding the use of the Bank of Canada to create interest free loans.
The event is free, but we ask you to pre-register by email or phone at 519 716-3592
For those of you on Facebook you can indicate your attendance by visiting the group entitled: Free Public Forum: Towards a Peaceful Economy: Solutions for the 99%
Location: Kitchener City Hall
200 King Street West
Kitchener ON
Date: Saturday November 12, 2011
Time: 9:30 am - 4:00 PM
(lunch is available for $10 Or B.Y.O.)
For more information visit: in the Dollars & Sense section or call 519 716-3592
What people are saying…..
"I cannot stress how important this event will be. If you are concerned about the state of world affairs or if you feel that there are no solutions then join us on November 12th! Your participation will assist the process of moving towards a functional monetary system. Your ideas and thoughts are important. This event will be solution driven and will offer hope." - Gary Jones - Founder of OUR Community Dollar
"Our current global money system is the generator of needless violence and destruction. For something new to happen, a dialogue about the fundamental factors of our economy must begin in the heart of the community. This one day Economic Forum is the perfect format to produce communication. Communication will promote change!" - Matt Albrecht - The Non Violence Festival
"In celebration of the Seventh Annual Usuryfree Week I challenge all concerned community members to not only attend this very important event but to spread the word…Invite your friends. Pass this announcement on to all those who want a better world. Mark your calendars now! I look forward to seeing you there." - Tom Kennedy aka "Tommy UsuryFree Kennedy" - The Usuryfree Network
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