When Did the Soviet Socialist Republic of America Begin?
End of Cold War and Fall of Soviet Union Staged to Collapse America
… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
When they called it “Neocon,” the new form of conservatism, it only reminded me of Stalin. It was gulags, controlled press, police state laws, one party rule, all power centralized, everything controlled, a stealth overthrow of America.
The recent $16 trillion robbery from the Federal Reserve System is only a minor part of the proof, history provides a much better canvas.
Though the audit only proved it this week, it has been known for months.
Banks around the world, Gaddafi’s personal bank in Libya one of them, got $16 trillion in unauthorized currency to float a world banking system now run by Russia and China.
Can this be proof that the $27 trillion “Wanta” fund existed. Is there any other possible answer?
Those who came into power, those behind the Bush regime, appeared from nowhere. They had no history of military service or public participation, just a stealth revolution of home-grown Marxists.
They had no other direction in their entire lives other than to infect the power structure and turn it to their devices, which turned into an inexorable national disaster on behalf of…who? Not America certainly.
Call this a hypothesis, but you will see it as more than that. It wasn’t Bush that took over during the 2000 coup d’etat by the Supreme Court, the one Newt Gingrich says he will ignore, the one I would disband.
Closer to the fact, were one to begin what would be called a “witch hunt,” the theorists that claim parenthood for “Neoconservatism” were the same kids who stood in front of the student union with communist party petitions to get Gus Hall on the national ballot. Not all of us are blind.
The real purpose, the real plan was to create a fund to overthrow control of congress and put in place a mechanism to buy our government. Politics now costs billions, not millions and those “billions” now come from “thin air.”
The money came from drugs. The mechanism for running the drugs was the privatization of the CIA under the control of “Neocon” elements pretending to be conservatives, communists all.
I know communism well. I grew up in a communist household, the USSR magazine in the mailbox each week, Germany, Hungarian and especially Jewish communists.
All our Jewish friends, every single one were communists.
For those unaware, who don’t know a “kibbutz” is really the same thing as a Soviet “collective,” Israel is and always has been a communist country, hardly the “democracy” of the Middle East as our quite controlled press loves telling us. Throughout the Cold War, Israel and the Soviets kept their close friendship out of the news but it was hardly a secret. (snip) ...
NOTE: Read the complete article at this website:
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