Message to Potential UsuryFree Creatives ...
There are 2 key economic choices in life:
1. ... accept the design flaw of usury with its evil, immoral and killer functions that it afflicts on debtors who participate in our orthdox sysyem of debt money and therefore, as passive usury keepers agree to keep payin’ usury to creditors thereby continuing to live a fear-based, usury lifestyle of wars, violence, poverty, scarcity and lack.
2. ... expose the design flaw of usury its evil, immoral and killer fuctions that afflict debtors who participate in our orthdox system of debt money and therefore, as active usuryfree creatives reject and evade payin’ usury to creditors and resolve to experience a love-based, usuryfree lifestyle of peace, prosperity and abundance.
The choice is left to each debtor. Those who are ready and willing to become “usuryfree creatives are invited to join and/or "like" us at these groups:
UsuryFree Creatives at Facebook:
UsuryFree Network at Facebook:
UsuryFree Creatives at Ning:
Enjoy this day!
Tom J. Kennedy otherwise known as Tommy “UsuryFree” Kennedy
Labels: usuryfree creatives, usuryfree lifestyle, usuryfree living