Father in Syria with his children suffering from chemical weapons.
Last week over a thousand men women and children were attacked and many killed with chemical weapons in Syria and last year over 850,000 people in America were arrested for marijuana-related crimes ending a quality of life that is hard to recover when labeled a criminal and thrown behind bars.
Why did 850,000 people in America alone get arrested? Because society and modern civilization has created professions filled with human beasts. Most of us know and understand how beastly pharmaceutical interests are and how modern medicine has become the practice of health terrorism.Pharmaceutical interests and other groups work to keep marijuana illegal so Americans don’t have the option of cheap medical alternatives to their products.
Howard Wooldridge, a retired police officer who now lobbies the government to relax marijuana prohibition laws, told Republic Report that next to police unions, the “second biggest opponent on Capitol Hill is big Pharma” because marijuana can replace “everything from Advil to Vicodin and other expensive pills.”
He also said that police departments across the country have become dependent on federal drug war grants to finance their budget. Private prison corporations make millions by incarcerating people who have been imprisoned for drug crimes, including marijuana. Fearing competition for the dollars Americans spend on leisure, alcohol and tobacco interests have lobbied to keep marijuana out of reach. Prison guard unions have a vested interest in keeping people behind bars just like for-profit prison companies. In 2008, the California Correctional Peace Officers Association spent a whopping $1 million to defeat a measure that would have “reduced sentences and parole times for nonviolent drug offenders while emphasizing drug treatment over prison.”
What is so beastly about these people and organizations efforts to keep medical marijuana away from the people? We do not have to look further than the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of radiation sickness. Now why would anyone worry about radiation today with governments on their eternal perch telling us how safe nuclear radiation is?
It’s Safe I Tell You
The New York Times printed an article recently titled, ‘Experts Foresee No Detectable Health Impact from Fukushima Radiation.’ The UN is concluding that, “It is unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among the general public and the vast majority of workers.”
The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant said on August 23, 2013 that new spots of high radiation levels had been found near storage tanks holding highly contaminated water, raising fear of fresh leaks as the disaster goes from bad to worse. The announcement comes after Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said already last week that contaminated water with dangerously high levels of radiation was leaking from a storage tank.
Japan’s nuclear crisis is escalating. That’s really bad news for the human race unless you are one of the many people who believe that nuclear radiation is not a problem. Doctors who use it for diagnosis and treatment believe nuclear radiation is safe enough to use in medicine. Science knows that increasing levels of radiation exposure leads to increases in cancer rates but medical scientists insist on using something that causes cancer (radiation) to treat it.
Everyone needs to read what National Geographic is saying about the rising tensions in Japan as radioactive water leaking into the Pacific Ocean gets dangerously worse. The Japanese government now says it is clear that 300 tons (71,895 gallons/272,152 liters) are pouring into the sea each day, enough to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool every eight days.
A mathematical model developed by Changsheng Chen of the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and Robert Beardsley of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute found that radioactive particles disperse through the ocean differently at different depths. The scientists estimated that in some cases, contaminated seawater could reach the western coast of the United States in as little as five years. Buesseler thinks the process occurs a bit more rapidly, and estimates it might take three years for contamination to reach the U.S. coastline.
But don’t worry. It’s not likely to have any real measurable effect on anyone or anything. That is whatForbes Magazine would have its readers believe. Reuters is reporting something different though. “The latest leak is so contaminated that a person standing half a meter (1 ft. 8 inches) away would, within an hour, receive a radiation dose five times the average annual global limit for nuclear workers. After 10 hours, a worker in that proximity to the leak would develop radiation sickness with symptoms including nausea and a drop in white blood cells.
"That is a huge amount of radiation. The situation is getting worse," said Michiaki Furukawa, who is professor emeritus at Nagoya University and a nuclear chemist. Yuhei Sato, the governor of the Fukushima prefecture in Japan, has described the leak a national emergency.
A quick calculation shows that it is about ten thousand times less than the amounts released by Chernobyl during the actual fire at the Russian nuclear plant. But the Chernobyl fire only lasted 10 days …and the Fukushima release has been ongoing for more than 2 years so far.
Indeed, Fukushima has already spewed much more radioactive cesium and iodine than Chernobyl. The amount of radioactive cesium released by Fukushima was some 20-30 times higher than initially admitted.
There is life on earth but the question is for how much longer? Life is going to get harsher on the planet’s surface so no wonder that governments and many rich people have built underground complexes. This question is not just a racial and planetary question. It’s also an individual one that we have to face. Sooner or later our lives end (though our spirits can go on). The timing of our physical demise is not entirely under our control but we can affect life extension in the face of hurricanes of toxicity.
Radiation at Extremely Low Levels
It is the inability to see the effects of chronic,
low level toxicities on human health that has been,
and remains, our greatest failing as intelligent beings.
Dr. Boyd Haley
The world has never awakened to Dr. Haley’s warning of many years ago. His warning to the world’s scientists and doctors has mostly gone unnoticed meaning we are left with a government, medical officials and doctors who have no idea of the real dangers people and children are facing as an entire nuclear plant with six reactors is abandoned and goes dangerously out of control.
In July of 2005 the National Academy of Sciences came to the conclusion that the preponderance of scientific evidence shows that even very low doses of radiation pose a risk of cancer or other health problems and there is no threshold below which exposure can be viewed as harmless.[1]Forbes Magazine’s essay on Fukushima is journalistic trash but what can we expect from beasts in the face of a human nightmare that is promising our children a chilling future.
Now for the Really Bad Radiation News
In the future we are not going to be dealing with radiation at extremely low levels. This past week we learned that deep beneath Fukushima’s crippled nuclear power station a massive underground reservoir of contaminated water that began spilling from the plant’s reactors after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, has been creeping slowly toward the Pacific sea.
Now, 2½ years later, experts fear it is about to reach the ocean and greatly worsen what is fast becoming a new crisis at Fukushima: the inability to contain vast quantities of radioactive water.
The looming crisis is potentially far greater than the discovery earlier this week of a leak from a tank that stores contaminated water used to cool the reactor cores. Experts believe the underground seepage from the reactor and turbine building area is much bigger and possibly more radioactive, confronting the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., with an invisible, chronic problem and few viable solutions.
Two Years Ago
“Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all, radiation continues to leak,” said Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and top graduate of Harvard. “We are looking at a ticking time bomb. It appears stable but the slightest disturbance, a secondary earthquake, a pipe break, evacuation of the crew at Fukishima could set off a full scale meltdown at three nuclear power stations—far beyond what we saw at Chernobyl.”
Kaku said this two years ago. The press has been quiet about Fukushima these past two years but things are worsening to the point where events are breaking into the mainstream press. “The Tepco utility people are outclassed and overwhelmed and should be removed from their positions. They are ‘making it up as they go along’,” Dr. Kaku has said since the beginning, of the efforts of engineers to get this disaster under some control. He also said, “We would see increases in leukemias and thyroid cancers from the massive amounts of radioactive iodine being released.”
Recent reports (Aug. 2013) are already showing a disturbing increase in thyroid cancers in the children in the area surrounding Fukushima. The latest figures released by regional authorities brings the total number of children who have been diagnosed with or suspected of having cancer to 44, up from 28 as of June, The Asahi Shimbun national daily reports.
It really is not a fun time to be alive on planet earth especially if you are forward looking because one has children. One still can have fun and we need to relax otherwise the stress will do us in but we have to protect our children. Parents know this is not easy but certain issues are going critical. This week I will publish ‘Nuclear Pollution Hits the Young the Hardest’ for parents who are brave enough to act.
[1] The linear no threshold model or LNTM is a model of damage done by radiation. This model assumes that the response to radiation exposure is linear and that this linear relationship continues to very small doses, that is to say that there is no threshold of exposure below which the response ceases to be linear. When it comes to radiation if a particular dose of radiation is found to produce one extra case of a type of cancer in every thousand people exposed, the LNTM predicts that one thousandth of this dose will produce one extra case in every million people so exposed, and that one millionth of this dose will produce one extra case in every billion people.
NOTE: This article is originally published at this website: