It was a whirlwind, seven days for this Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week from November 13th to 19th, 2011. A team of professionals from
Grasshopper Media followed usuryfree creatives to various events and made some good video clips that will be shared with the world in the not-too-distant future. Watch for Grasshopper Media to release video clips at YouTube and at other internet sites. Readers are invited to view:
"UsuryFree Week 7th Annual Highlights"
For the pre-launch of this Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week, usuryfree creatives gathered in Kitchener, Ontario on Saturday, November 12th, for a FREE, Public Forum titled:
“Towards A Peaceful Economy - Solutions For The 99%.” Movie excerpts were shown, followed by discussions and dialogue and working groups.
The problems associated with the design flaw of usury were addressed in follow-up presentations and Winged Lion Awards were presented. The keynote, guest speaker was George Crowell who delivered an address titled: “Turning Our Monetary System Into A Creative Force.”
On Sunday, November 13th (UsuryFree Day), usuryfree creatives were invited to
Conspiracy Culture in Toronto, Ontario for the official launch of the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week. Two guest speakers shared the floor. Peter Jon Simpson from Atwater, Minnesota and John “King of the Paupers” Turmel from Brantford, Ontario entertained and informed usuryfree creatives on issues relating to (a) our failing and faltering, orthodox, economic system of usury-based, debt money and (b) solution-oriented ideas and concepts that can be implemented immediately to save ourselves from total, economic enslavement as planned by the global, usury bankers.
Of course, the usuryfree community currency movement was lauded for its power and potential for we-the-people to shift the way we spend our money by shopping with local and home-based businesses where trades and exchanges can be negotiated using a usuryfree community currency as a complement with our diminishing amounts of federal cash. The concept of
"Shop Locally" was promoted and consumers were encouraged to change the way they spend their money.
The usuryfree community currency movement is now recognized for its working models that are currently functioning in countries all over the world. It was suggested that the word “dollar” be avoided when labelling or identifying any usuryfree community currency and the word “wampum” was offered as an optimal label for any newly launched usuryfree community currencies.
The concept of a usuryfree time currency was explained as the potential, universal trading unit, since one hour of time is valued at 60 minutes on every continent on planet earth.
John Turmel, leader of the
Pauper Party of Ontario explained how usuryfree creatives could take advantage of the tax credit program available to duly registered political parties in the province of Ontario. Since the
Pauper Party of Ontario is fully supportive of the usuryfree community currency movement, John invited usuryfree creatives to double as volunteers for the Pauper Party of Ontario and thereby be eligible to collect and submit any receipts for expenses incurred for promotion of the usuryfree community currency movement as one plank of the platform advocated by the
Pauper Party of Ontario.
On Monday afternoon, November 14th, a group of usuryfree creatives met at Robert Shackleton’s enterprise called
“Orthodics Plus” in Brantford, Ontario. Robert Shackleton explained and demonstrated the concept of priority balancing (muscle balancing) and how it reactivates seven dysfunctions that virtually always result from foot distortion. It is the goal of usuryfree creatives to promote this breakthrough approach to achieving and maintaining optimal health and wellness so that they will prevent pain and performance problems when they are travelling and networking the truth about the problems associated with modern money creation and the solutions that will help usher in new age of usuryfree living for everyone on this planet.
On Monday evening, November 14th, usuryfree creatives were invited to attend Sydney White’s lecture at the Free University of Toronto, about “Understanding the First, Second, and Third World Wars” as part of her ongoing series titled
“Studies In Propaganda.” Sydney focused on the insanity of war and how the global banking cartel profit from all wars by craftily funding both sides - but offering just a little more funds to whomever they choose to be the victors.
On Tuesday, November 15th, usuryfree creatives gathered in Hamilton, Ontario for discussions and dialogue on various topics - all of which are directly and/or indirectly related to the evil and immoral function of usury as the killer machine within our orthodox, economic system of usury-based, debt money. Kudos to
Frankie Gotz and his mother for hosting a community dinner for usuryfree creatives in the Hamilton area who were celebrating the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week. Frankie earned himself a
Winged Lion Award for the video clip that he made to promote the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week titled:
"Time Currency Explained by Tom J. Kennedy."
On Wednesday, November 16th, usuryfree creatives gathered in Niagara Falls, Ontario for a meeting about health and wellness matters during the day, and yet another meeting in Port Colborne, Ontario in the evening. In Niagara Falls,
Bruce McBurney gave a presentation about alternative health and wellness therapies eg. colloidal silver, colloidal gold, vibration and frequency healing etc.
Bruce McBurney doubles as a mechanic and he explained how usuryfree creatives could be travelling and getting 100 miles per gallon with their vehicles - except that the major oil corporations have succeeded in burying the technology of various inventors over the past century.
In the evening, at Port Colborne, usuryfree creatives learned lots about organic food growing and permaculture from
John Miller. And usuryfree creatives were introduced to
Cari-Lee Miller, host of
Lifting-the-Veil - Free Think Radio. John and Cari-Lee were gracious hosts for yet another community dinner for usuryfree creatives. Many thanks for their hospitality.
On Thursday, November 17th, thanks to
Jack DebtFree Elliott, a group of usuryfree creatives from London, Ontario were invited to the Holiday Inn Express for repeat presentations from John Turmel and Peter Jon Simpson.
On Friday, November 18th, the
Family Life Foundation - a co-sponsor of various events for the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week hosted a dinner for usuryfree creatives and offered overnight accommodations in exchange for tokens of usuryfree community currency. The Family Life Foundation - a duly registered charitable organization, founded by
Rev. Lindsay King in 1974, has been co-sponsoring events with the
UsuryFree Network since the very first UsuryFree Week in 2005.
On Saturday, November 19th, a number of usuryfree creatives decided to visit
“Occupy Toronto” to meet and talk with various tent-and-yurt people who were occupying St. James Park in downtown Toronto, Ontario.
Indeed, it is evident that occupy protestors are somewhat aware of the ever-increasing economic disparity between debtors and creditors (bankers), but too many are not yet aware of the solutions as offered by the usuryfree community currency movement. The good news is that the tent-and-yurt people with whom the usuryfree creatives engaged in conversation at “Occupy Toronto” were open-minded and welcomed the information that was shared about how the usuryfree community currency movement is mutually beneficial for all who choose to participate.
Though the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week ended on November 19th, there was yet another important meeting scheduled to be hosted by the Kingston Chapter of Comer on Sunday, November 20th and usuryfree creatives were invited to attend. At the
Comer meeting in Kingston, Ontario, William Khrem was honoured as he celebrated his 98th birthday. It was William Khrem who founded Comer in the mid-1980’s.
The Kingston Chapter of Comer hosts a monthly meeting at 2:00 PM on the 3rd Sunday of each month and usuryfree creatives or otherwise are invited to attend. After the Comer meeting in Kingston, some usuryfree creatives ventured to Confederation Park in downtown Kingston where the
“Occupy Kingston” protestors had pitched their tents. It was a pleasure once again to converse with some intelligent youth about the usuryfree community currency movement.
During the
Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week, numerous
Winged Lion Awards were bestowed on individuals and/or groups for their ongoing efforts to help usher in a new age of usuryfree living for everyone on planet earth.
As the Seventh Annual UsuryFree Week ends, we as active, usuryfree creatives salute the millions from all over the world who have participated in rallies and marches initiated by the
“Occupy Wall Street” movement. While there is much debate about who initiated the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and why - there is much evidence that it has struck a nerve within the common people all over the world.
For the most part, the “Occupy” protestors have been peaceful and they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity as they seek to express their divergent opinions in a safe and respectful environment. The overwhelming response from awakening people everywhere, indicates they are seeking a message of justice and equality for everyone on this planet.
We - the usuryfree creatives will continue to share our message about the possibility of everyone experiencing the reality of usuryfree living and we encourage “Occupiers” everywhere to launch their economic lifeboats - a usuryfree community currency - in their respective, local communities as the last, best hope to free ourselves from the ultimate, economic slavery that the New World Order advocates (usury bankers) are planning for our future generations.
Let’s start planning events NOW for the Eighth Annual UsuryFree Week from November 13th to 19th, 2011. Forward details of your plans to: The UsuryFree Network, P. O.Box 9333, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3V1 Email:
The UsuryFree Eye Opener